When a groomer takes the time to connect with both you and your pet, you know he is safe and cared for during his visit – and guaranteed soft and kissable when you pick him up.
Your pet (or pet-family) is groomed one at a time, so you can be sure that they’re pampered without any distractions. Once they’re clean, they’re likely to be the center of your attention, too!
When your pet is groomed on a regular basis, he bonds with his groomer and looks forward to the attention and pampering during his visit. He knows that he belongs there!
When he’s clean, he also bonds with you, as you’re both happier to spend close time together. He feels more confident – with his tail wagging high.
She’s done such a fabulous job and I’m so impressed that she scissor cut both of them and gave us such a great price. I trust her 100% when it comes to my boys. Y’all should go see her!
Allicea Orcutt
Our groomers work with all breeds – their favorites include the hard-to-cut dogs like curly-haired poodles, doodles, bichons and Portuguese water dogs.
Our staff is trained, certified, and understands what each cut looks like, so your Scottie doesn’t come out looking like a Schnauzer. They’ll transform your dog into a head-turner that everyone will compliment.
We take exceptional care to keep our office clean and free from smells and noises. When your pet feels safe, it helps us to trim his nails safely without him wiggling or whining. It allows us to take our time to comb out mats because your pet is calm and relaxed. Fearful dog or cat? No problem – we have a great track record of making sure they can’t wait to be back!
Did you know that grooming helps to ease allergies for both pets and people? We also check for issues or infections of the skin, ears, and teeth to keep your pet feeling his best – here in Colorado, if your dog is a hiker, it’s also good to check for foxtails and thorns in the fur and ears.
Imagine picking up your pet and seeing him free from matting, toenail dirt, and bad breath. He’s so snuggly and huggable with the his wagging high!
Honestly, Mitch is the best! Rupert looks so fly and fresh and she didn’t have to shave him!
Jess Hindmarch