From a simple bath to a full groom, our groomers are trained and certified. When you bring your pet to us, you’re supporting a locally owned, Golden small business.
While groomers are not required by law to get licensed, our groomers are licensed. Our facility is licensed and inspected by the State of Colorado.
When you arrive, we’ll go over a quick check-in form that covers your pet’s information.
We stay true to our quotes so there’s no surprises. Our pricing is determined by breed, size, condition of the coat, and services requested.
Then, just as you wouldn’t let a hairdresser cut your hair without a discussion, we won’t begin until we’re agreed on style and length for your pet’s hair. And of course, your choice of shampoo scent, including extra-gentle.
With our list of services, price, and a time for pick up – we’ll get started grooming your pet.
Our staff is trained, certified, and understands what each cut looks like, so your Scottie doesn’t come out looking like a Schnauzer. We’ll transform your dog into a head-turner that everyone will compliment.
Our veterinary hospital is 0.5 miles north of Grooming @ Golden Paws. We are a full-service veterinarian and also provide home visit services. From checkups to surgeries, we proudly serve the Golden and surrounding communities, including Arvada, Lakewood, Littleton, Wheat Ridge, and Broomfield.
While we don’t combine grooming and veterinarian services, we can surely coordinate appointments for your convenience.